Transnational Training Event
C1 Short-term joint staff training event
The In-service Training Programme for VET Tutors will address adult educators, guidance workers, employment officers, etc. and will comprise 40-hours of induction materials for front-line workers. The Training materials will be developed to introduce the new remote working resources developed, and to identify and explain the new approaches required to effectively use and integrate the new key tools into everyday career support activities. The emphasis of this part of the In-service Training Programme will be to ensure that VET Tutors, employers, business leaders and employees are aware of the new resources developed and are confident in using them to support users in their remote working endeavours.
All partners will send appropriate and affiliated VET professionals to this event. As the training will be delivered in English all partners will ensure that those selected to attend have excellent English language skills. While the in-service training could, and will in future, be delivered in a local setting it is clear to partners that they need to take advantage of the opportunity that ERASMUS+ provides to bring a small group of professionals together to share experiences, learn from each other and develop positive working relationships for the future.
The result of the REMOTE CTRL transnational training event will be the establishing of a transnational group of like minded education professionals who will support each other and further develop their working relationships into the future.
This training event is planned to be held in Ireland in month 16 (March 2022).